Pediatric care ingrains healthy lifestyle habits from an early age in children through. It does this through education on proper nutrition, physical activity, and sleep habits to help establish healthy patterns that will be carried into adulthood. By instilling these habits during childhood, pediatric care sets the stage for a lifetime of good health and well-being. The best way to do this is regular checkups from infants to adolescence. Annual school physicals and child wellness visits help you track your child’s health, growth and development in relation to those of the other children in their important development years.
Lead poisoning, unfortunately, still poses a large issue here in the United States. Even though we have made substantial improvements over half a million children between the ages of 1 and 5 are above the threshold in which the CDC recommends you act. CDC and Medicaid say it is essential that children enrolled in Medicaid receive a blood lead screening test to ensure that they are not at risk. These lead screenings should be performed at 1 year and 2 years old. Completion of a risk assessment questionnaire will not fulfill their requirements.
The reason this test is so important, especially for those on Medicaid and in at risk areas is because lead poisoning is very dangerous. It can lead to learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and anemia. At the highest levels it can cause seizures and comas. Lead poisoning is a very serious problem that can cause lasting permanent danger and according to some scholars even cause the fall of the Roman Empire.
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